Event Details: Season of Compassion (week 1 of 3), The Sixth Sunday after Pentecost, Proper 11

Date: 7/21/2019, 9:00 AM to 9:40 AM
Location: The Chapel of All Saints
Those Who Serve
Celebrant: The Rev. C. Alfred Loua
Chalice Bearer: Aimee White
Chalice Bearer (multiple role): Ms Deborah Elizabeth Hope
Communications: Leah Reddy
Crucifer (multiple role): Radhames Tavarez
Deacon: The Rev. C. Alfred Loua
Lector: Shane Sandridge
Lector - Intercessor: Ana Marie Forsythe, Dall Forsythe
Media - Control Room Video: Luke Mess
Media - House Audio: Alex Pyle
Media - Stage Manager: Enrique Mancia
Music - Organist: Avi Stein
Oblation Bearer: Ajit Rajan, Geraldine Spring
Paten: The Rev. C. Alfred Loua
Prayer Minister: Roslyn Hall
Preacher: The Rev. C. Alfred Loua
Sacristan: Scott Smith, Dante De La Pava
Seasonal Moment Announcer: TBD
Server: Ms Deborah Elizabeth Hope
Usher: Mary Chen, Kojo Boama
Usher - Head: Tyrone Wells